Mostrando artículos por etiqueta: HoSIER Memorias

Licurgo Javier, Pérez-Rábago Carlos, Moreno-Alvarez L., Marzo Aitor, Estrada Claudio


En este trabajo se presenta una nueva metodología para la medición de la temperatura de superficies sólidas expuestas a radiación solar concentrada, mediante la técnica de obturación utilizando una película PDLC. Esta nueva metodología permitirá separar el espectro de radiación emitido por la muestra del espectro de radiación reflejado, y permitirá medir solamente la temperatura referente a la potencia emisiva de la muestra, utilizando un pirómetro monocromático en un horno solar. Se describe el arreglo experimental que se propone para implementar esta metodología. El arreglo consistente de un horno solar (MHS IER-UNAM), de una ventana de película PDLC y de una cámara de medición de temperatura. Se muestran las transmitancias de la película PDLC destacando la pertinencia de su uso para esta aplicación solar. La calibración del pirómetro monocromático arrojó un off-set del -4% del valor nominal. La respuesta térmica de la muestra de grafito que se usará como referencia arrojó valores entre 502.6 y 1747.8 segundos dependiendo del proceso de calentamiento o enfriamiento.

Medición de temperatura de no contacto de superficies sólidas irradiadas por energía solar concentrada mediante obturación con películas PDLC: una nueva metodología

Publicado en Memorias de Congresos

Alessandro Gallo, Héctor González-Camarillo, María Isabel Roldán, Elisa Alonso, Carlos Pérez-Rábago


In this work, the first stage of a project devoted to the evaluation of rotary kilns as thermal receivers for industrialheat production was carried out. A small-scale rotary kiln was designed, installed and tested in the IER-UNAM’s solar furnace. In the experiment, the kiln was filled with 40 g of 2-mm diameter spherical particles and it rotated at 5 rpm. The thermal equilibrium was reached after almost 2 hours of operation and a temperature of 830 ºC was achieved. In order to evaluate the irradiance distribution on the kiln aperture, an indirect estimation method was adopted. The method consists in determining firstly the Solar Furnace Factor and the incident power, and then it is calibrated the image of the irradiance distribution on a Lambertian target placed at the furnace focus. This method does not require any measurement of the irradiance on the target plane. Once the irradiance distribution was calibrated, it was compared with a ray-tracing simulated irradiance of the same system at the selected position, obtaining a maximum average deviation of 2.8%. Furthermore, a parametric analysis of the internal wall absorptance and kiln position was carried out in order to evaluate the heat-flux distribution on the kiln walls. Finally, the irradiance on the kiln walls with and without the particle bed was estimated.

Thermal Behavior and Heat-Flux Distribution in a Solar Rotary Kiln

Publicado en Memorias de Congresos

Elisa Alonso and Carlos Pérez-Rábago


Kinetic behavior of solar processes should be studied in solar facilities in order to consider the real heating conditions that affect the process. In this work, the thermo-desorption of CuO was performed in a solar reactor operated in a solar furnace. Kinetic of this process was studied considering both isothermal and non-isothermal methods. By means of isothermal methods, it was found that the reaction follows the Avrami-Erofeev equation and the kinetic parameters varied according to the n coefficient of such an equation. Master-plots method was then applied from non-isothermal experiments. The employed methodology was easier and the experimentation time much shorter than in isothermal case. The Avrami-Erofeev mechanism was clearly confirmed with this method.

Isothermal and non-isothermal kinetics of metal oxide redox reactions performed in a solar furnace

Publicado en Memorias de Congresos

Pérez-Rábago Carlos, González-Camarillo Héctor, De-los-Cobos-Garduño Emma, Pérez-Enciso Ricardo A., García Rafael, Ochoa Doria


caracterizaciones realizadas a celdas fotovoltaicas de triple unión sometidas a diferentes niveles de concentración, tanto en un simulador solar con concentración y un concentrador tipo horno solar. Con ambos sistemas de se consiguieron diferentes niveles de concentración de 220 hasta 2200 soles dentro del área de la celda de triple unión, estos niveles de concentración presentaron diferentes distribuciones de flujo radiativo. Se busco que el flujo radiativo concentrado fuera lo más homogéneo posible al menos en un área de tan solo 1 cm2, la cual es la superficie de captación de las celdas de triple unión a ser analizadas. Se desarrollo un sistema de caracterización a través de una mesa automatizada de posicionamiento del arreglo experimental que permitió centrar la zona focal tanto para medir el flujo radiativo y ver su distribución, así como para centrar la celda en la zona con mayor homogenización del spot solar concentrado. En la evaluación de la distribución de flujo radiativo concentrado con el simulador solar se obtuvieron distribuciones de flujo radiativo menos homogénea que en el caso con el horno solar. Por otra parte, en la evaluación de la eficiencia eléctrica de la celda de triple unión el comportamiento en el simulador solar a bajas concentraciones (265 kW/m2) fue de 27.9% mientras que altas concentraciones (800 kW/m2) se redujo hasta un 17.9%. Por otra parte, en el caso del horno solar la eficiencia en casi todos los niveles de concentración fue alrededor del 30%.

Análisis comparativo de la caracterización de celdas fotovoltaicas de triple unión en simulador y concentrador solar

Publicado en Memorias de Congresos

Cruz-Robles I., Vázquez A. J., Alonso E., Pérez-Rábago C. A., Estrada C. A.


El cobre es un insumo indispensable en gran parte de los sectores económicos. Sin embargo, su cadena productiva tiene consecuencias adversas sobre el medio ambiente. El escenario de producción y consumo proyectado induce a que se exploren nuevas alternativas en la producción de cobre. De acuerdo con la cadena productiva de la vía pirometalurgica se ha seleccionado al proceso de fundición como un campo de oportunidad para introducir una planta de torre central como fuente térmica de alta temperatura. Esta energía se suministra precalentando un flujo de blast (mezcla aire-oxigeno). En este trabajo se realiza una evaluación técnica del concepto. Con la hibridación se reduce en 7.5 % la demanda anual de energía y en 21.5 % la producción de CO2. Las temperaturas de precalentamiento (de 700 a 800 °C) y los actuales dispositivos de control facilitan la integración de la tecnología solar.

Evaluación del desempeño energético del proceso de fundición de concentrados de cobre acoplado a una planta solar de torre central como fuente de energía térmica

Publicado en Memorias de Congresos

Alessandro Gallo, Elisa Alonso, Ricardo Pérez-Enciso, Edward Fuentealba, and Carlos Pérez-Rábago


New investigations on solar thermochemical storage and other high temperature process are starting at the University of Antofagasta. A small cavity-type solar rotary reactor will be constructed to develop gas-solid reactions. For this reactor concept, is expected that the most part of the solid reactants will remain in the central sector of the drum. Thus, high temperatures at this area will benefit the process performance. Since the radiation profile feeding the solar reactor could have a significant effect on the temperature distribution, in this work it is presented a numerical model to analyze how the use of different concentrators affects the cavity walls temperature. First, a reference case was simulated with flat profile radiation. Then, a solar simulator composed of an elliptical mirror and a high power lamp and a multi-faceted concentrator were considered for the analysis. Their radiation profiles were obtained by ray tracing simulations and integrated in a CFD model that predicts the cavity temperature. It was found a relation between the flux profile and the temperature distribution. This way, higher temperatures were achieved at the back side of the cavity, where the most part of the radiation impinged. The most homogeneous temperature distribution was achieved for the multi-faceted concentrator case, in which lower differences between the back and the lateral wall were found.

Numerical approach to the flux distribution effect on a solar rotary kiln performance

Publicado en Memorias de Congresos


We present the initial results for the comparative study of two types of reflecting surfaces for solar concentrating systems. We use two identical mirrors with different coatings: The first have an aluminium coating with SIO2 protection and the second was covered with the commercial film Reflectech®. This cover is used mainly for parabolic trough and has several advantages like a high reflectivity, low maintenance, and resistance to extreme weather conditions. Since this film was developed for concentrating solar applications, the purpose of this study is  exploring the potential application of the film in point focus concentrating systems.

Evaluation of two reflective Coatings for the Mirrors of The High Radiative-Flux Solar Furnace

Riveros-Rosas, R. Castrejón-García, C.A. Arancibia-Bulnes, C.A. Pérez-Rábago, C.A. Estrada

Publicado en Memorias de Congresos


The paper presents the technical modifications of DEFRAC (Spanish acronym for Device for the Study of Highly Concentrated Radiative Fluxes) in order to obtain a mini-solar furnace (MSF). DEFRAC is placed in vertical position and the optical arrangement of facets is oriented viewing to the north. A small flat heliostat system with 5.6 m2 of surface area was designed and constructed to track the movement of the sun and redirect sunlight along to the optical axis of the fixed DEFRAC the concentrator. The reflective surface of the heliostat is obtained by using a flat mirror with a tolerance lesser than 1 mrad. The MSF has a shutter with an area of 2.56 m2 that attenuates the solar energy reflected by the heliostat. In this paper we present the preliminary result of the optical performance for the MSF and the evaluation of the track system of the heliostat and the control of the shutter. The MSF will be used in the development of different kind of studies; from studies of heat transfer in open small cavities to the development of small receivers.

Mini-Solar Furnace by Using a Point Focus Solar Concentrator

Pérez-Rábago C.A., D. Riverso-Rosas, O.A. Jaramillo, M. Bazán, M. Carrillo-Santana, M. Montiel-González, G. Ascanio, C.A. Estrada

Publicado en Memorias de Congresos


In the present work, the analysis of the first images obtained from de Solar Furnace of High Radiative Flux in Mexico is presented. The solar furnace has five different focal distance groups. The images were acquired using the first two groups of mirrors from complete optics of main concentrator. We used a Heliostat with a reflective surface of 36 m². The Images was captured with a CCD camera and the irradiance profile was modeled with a ray-tracing program in order to estimate the global optical error for the concentrator-heliostat optical system. The results shows that the optical error is less to 3 mrad and the calculations indicates that the flux peak for the complete groups of mirrors could be higher than 12 000 suns and the average flux could be higher than 5,000 suns.

Concentration Image Profiles of the High-Flux Solar Furnace of CIE-UNAM in Temixco, Mexico. First Stage

David Riveros-Rosas, Carlos A. Perez-Rabago, Camilo A. Arancibia-Bulnes, Ricardo Perez-Enciso, and Claudio A. Estrada

Publicado en Memorias de Congresos


A new high flux solar furnace facility has been developed in Mexico. It is located in Temixco, Morelos, Mexico and in its first phase of development consists of a heliostat of 36 square meters (6 m by 6 m), a shutter made of stainless steel blades 6.2 m by 6.2 m, and a multifaceted concentrator of 211 spherical mirrors with an equivalent focal length of 3.64 m. In order to set the HFSF in operation, all the mirrors were aligned, the control system was developed and tested, the heliostat was aligned and its tracking movement tested. The purpose of this paper is to present the new facility and its first results in the evaluation of its capacities. The results show that the optical error is less to 3 mrad and the calculations indicates that the average flux could be higher than 5,000 suns and the facility can reach temperatures as high as 3406º C.

A New High-Flux Solar Furnace at CIE-UNAM in Temixco, México. First Stage

Claudio A. Estrada, Camilo A. Arancibia-Bulnes, Sergio Vazquez, Carlos A. Pérez-Rábago, David Riveros, Ricardo Perez-Enciso, Jesús Quiñones, Rafael Castrejón, Moises Montiel, Fermín Granados

Publicado en Memorias de Congresos
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Entrevista HoSIER Factor Ciencia Canal Once (14/12/2015)