Degradation of the herbicide atrazine by photo-Fenton processes at solar photocatalytic plant level


Atrazine, a herbicide commonly used around the world and listed by the European Union and by the US EPA as one of the priority pollutants, was subjected to photocatalytic degradation processes at pilot level on a solar photocatalytic plant located in Temixco, Morelos, Mexico. The photocatalytic reactor used for the degradation of the herbicide atrazine by photo-Fenton processes, is equipped with an online monitoring system of the main variables that characterize the reaction (COD, TOC, DO, pH and T). Atrazine, as a toxic compound, was degraded photocatalytically in more than 90% in a relatively short time (340 min) of exposure to solar radiation, reaching a level of mineralization (TOC) of 60% and a decrease of COD of more 50%. Toxicity tests of the contaminated solution were also conducted at the beginning and end of treatment with Artemia Franciscan Kellogg, finding that such toxicity was reduced by over 90%.

Antonio E. Jiménez-González, Carlos Antonio Pineda-Arellano, Cesar Pérez-Franco, Eduardo Iragorri-Sámano, Ana Gabriela Gutierrez-Mata e Ivan Salgado Tránsito.

Videos HoSIER

Entrevista HoSIER Factor Ciencia Canal Once (14/12/2015)