Mostrando artículos por etiqueta: CEToC Memorias
Experimental analysis of a flat plate receiver for measurement of low thermal power of a central tower solar system
A Piña-Ortiz, JF Hinojosa, RA Perez-Enciso, VM Maytorena, C Estrada, CA Pérez-Rábago, RA Calleja
In the city of Hermosillo, in the northwestern state of Sonora, México, the University of Sonora in agreement with the National Autonomous University of México is developing solar tower technology. A thermal receiver was designed to measure the thermal power of a small number of heliostats and experimental results were obtained to measure the thermal power of a small number of heliostats. The flat plate thermal receiver is a parallelepiped enclosure 1.20 m high, 1.23 m wide and 0.1 m deep with a receiving area of 1.476 m2 and a ε = 0.95, It also has 1228 cylindrical fins evenly distributed in the interior, each fin has a diameter of 0.0095 m and a length of 0.09 m, which increases the area of the receiving wall by up to 329%. Three experiments (with 1, 4 and 7 heliostats respectively) were carried out using the effect of the radiative flux provided on: the estimated thermal power, thermal efficiency, temperature distribution of the internal surface of the receiving wall (plate), the temperature distribution in the fins and in the fluid; all of this during steady state conditions. The experiments were performed for a Re⎯⎯⎯⎯ number of 2.90 × 104; it was found that the thermal efficiency of the system decreases as the radiative flux increases. The maximum efficiency was 84.9% and the minimum was 58.4% for experiment 1 and 3 respectively. We also observe that the temperature gradients of the fins increase as the radiative flux increases and that the fluid increases its temperature as it passes through the receiver and the center of the plate has the higher temperatures.
Potential of solar central tower systems for thermal applications in the production chain of copper by pyrometallurgical route
Irving Cruz-Robles, Alfonso J. Vázquez Vaamonde, Elisa Alonso, Carlos A. Pérez-Rábago, Claudio A. Estrada
Copper is an indispensable input element in most economic sectors. However, its production chain has significant and adverse consequences on the environment. Through pyrometallurgical route it is estimated that each kilogram of refined copper consumes 33 MJ and generates a footprint of 3.3 kg of CO2. Primary production projections for 2019 amount to 26,500 kT, of which 79% will be by pyrometallurgical route. It is a responsibility of the industry to makes the process more environmental friendly. This can be done replacing the current energy matrix by the use of renewable energy. In this first and preliminary work we are evaluating the technical potential to integrate Central Tower Plants (CTP) into the smelting stage as a solar energy source. According to the mineral books and the irradiation maps, almost 20% of the current production can be match with these solar concentration systems because of the irradiance levels available where the metallurgical plants are located. The incorporation of a CTP in the world largest copper metallurgical facility to substitute the current fossil fuel energy supply could demand a capacity of 68 MWt. This last consideration obeys to the weighted average of the specific energy consumption gave by the Chilean Copper Commission COCHILCO. However, the results of this work indicate that the behavior of this change in the operative parameters could reduce the 68 MWt almost in a half.
Análisis prospectivo de plantas solares al 2060: caso Sonora México
Cisneros N.C., Cabanillas R.L., Santoyo E.C.
En este estudio se presentan proyecciones para instalaciones solares en Sonora México. Los escenarios energéticos proporcionan una idea de lo que podría ocurrir en el periodo de proyección según las decisiones que se tomen oportunamente en el presente y en el futuro cercano sobre cuestiones energéticas; son también una guía para los estrategas que sirve para evaluar las posibilidades a futuro. En este trabajo se presentan tres posibles escenarios energéticos en la industria eléctrica para Sonora, basados en el crecimiento de la demanda para los próximos años y tomando el 2016 como inicio, se realizan las proyecciones hasta el 2060. Estos escenarios han sido estudiados para incluir políticas públicas que difieren en la profundidad de la influencia del estado en propiciar el impulso de fuentes renovables.
Análisis prospectivo de plantas solares al 2060: caso Sonora México
Evaluación experimental de un CPV de disco parabólico con celdas de multi-unión
Cisneros N.C., Cabanillas R.L., Pérez-Enciso R.A., García R.G., Pérez-Rábago C.R., Dávila C.P.
El estudio experimental consiste en la evaluación tanto térmica como eléctrica de un concentrador PV que utiliza un disco parabólico y celdas de triple unión para la generación de electricidad. Este sistema fue desarrollado por investigadores de University of Arizona y comercializado por REhnu co. La óptica que se utiliza se denomina XRX-Kohler, logra una concentración de 1000x y produce 1.2 kW y 2.4 kW eléctricos y térmicos, respectivamente, a una concentración de 900 W/m2. Se realizaron diferentes tipos de corridas experimentales en las que se evaluó la capacidad de producción de potencias térmica y eléctrica en operación normal, la producción máxima de potencia eléctrica y la producción de potencia eléctrica en función de la temperatura de operación.
Evaluación experimental de un CPV de disco parabólico con celdas de multi-unión
Evaluación Térmica de un Concentrador Solar Tipo Fresnel Lineal
Madrid I., Montijo N., Bojórquez E., Perez-Enciso R., Taddei P., Alfaro J., Cabanillas R., Calleja R.
El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el comportamiento térmico de un concentrador solar tipo Fresnel lineal, ubicado en la Plataforma Solar de Hermosillo, para esto, se adaptó un receptor en forma de serpentín hecho de cobre y pintado de negro. Se realizaron pruebas calorimétricas mediante la utilización de un sistema diseñado especialmente para ese fin. El sistema está instrumentado con sensores de temperatura y caudal, y mediante un adquisidor de datos se registraron las mediciones, para poder determinar el calor absorbido por el fluido de trabajo, que en este estudio se utilizó agua. Se obtuvieron resultados consistentes con el análisis teórico, pues se alcanzaron potencias de alrededor de 7kW térmicos. De igual manera se analizó el comportamiento al variar el caudal desde 11 hasta 1.5 lt/min, donde se observó mayores pérdidas de calor por convección y radiación cuando se trabajó a bajos caudales.
Evaluación Térmica de un Concentrador Solar Tipo Fresnel Lineal
Heliostat Testing at a New Facility in Sonora, Mexico
A new facility known as Heliostat Test Field has been developed in Mexico. It consists of a solar tower, a laboratory, and 16 heliostats. Three different optical tests have been implemented for the evaluation of heliostats at this installation: sun tracking test, reflected spot test, and deflectometry test. These tests allow the evaluation of tracking, and slope errors of the heliostats. In particular, the later provides detailed slope maps of the reflecting mirrors
Heliostat Testing at a New Facility in Sonora, Mexico
Camilo A. Arancibia-Bulne s, Manuel I. Peña-Cruz, David Marroquín-García, Rafael E. Cabanillas, Carlos A. Pérez-Rábago, David Riveros-Rosas, Jesús F. Hinojosa and Claudio A. Estrada
Advanced Oxidation Processes for Waste Water Treatment at Pilot Plant Level Using Solar Radiation
Due to water pollution at urban as well as industrial and rural level, there exists the need to introduce and improve new alternative technologies to traditional methods for waste water treatment. It is important that new technologies must be economic, effective and environment friendly. The above mentioned alternative technologies are in this case the heterogeneous photocatalysis with TiO2 and photo-Fenton processes which use the solar radiation as exciting source to produce species highly oxidative that can degrade the organic matter present in polluted water. This paper describes the construction of a Photocatalytic Solar Plant located at the installations of the Energy Research Center of the National University of Mexico (CIE-UNAM), which is composed by different photocatalytic reactor integrated with CPC solar concentrators whose concentration varies between 1 and 2 suns. The photoreactors and equipped with temperature, pH, COD and DO online sensors. Moreover, the plant counts with an analytical laboratory equipped with a Total Organic Carbon(TOC) analyzer and a UV-VIS spectrophotometer. In addition, immobilized TiO2 photocatalysts on glass pipes Pyrex® were prepared, which lately were introduced into the photocatalytic reactor. The catalyst immobilization on glass pipes eliminates in an effective way the recovery process of powder photocatalysts, and also saves time and work costs. The technical feasibility and performance of the photocatalytic degradation of the plaguicide carbaryl at pilot level have been here studied.
Ivan SalgadoTránsito, Antonio E. Jiménez González, Claudio A. Estrada Gasca, Camilo Arancibia Bulnes, Rogelio Morán Elvira, Carlos Antonio Pineda Arellano, Eduardo Iragorri, Cesar Pérez Franco and Emmanuel Hernández Martínez
Evaluation of heliostat field global tracking error distributions by Monte Carlo simulations
L. A. Díaz-Félix, M. Escobar-Toledo, J. Waissman, N. Pitalúa-Díaz, C. A. Arancibia-Bulnes
Dynamic drift compensation for heliostats
C. Iriarte-Cornejo, C. A. Arancibia-Bulnes, J. Waissman, R. E. Cabanillas, C. A. Estrada
Beam solar irradiation assessment for Sonora, Mexico
C. A. Arancibia-Bulnes, R. Peón-Anaya, D. Riveros-Rosas, J.J. Quiñones, R. E. Cabanillas, C.A. Estrada