Evaluation of two reflective Coatings for the Mirrors of The High Radiative-Flux Solar Furnace


We present the initial results for the comparative study of two types of reflecting surfaces for solar concentrating systems. We use two identical mirrors with different coatings: The first have an aluminium coating with SIO2 protection and the second was covered with the commercial film Reflectech®. This cover is used mainly for parabolic trough and has several advantages like a high reflectivity, low maintenance, and resistance to extreme weather conditions. Since this film was developed for concentrating solar applications, the purpose of this study is  exploring the potential application of the film in point focus concentrating systems.

Evaluation of two reflective Coatings for the Mirrors of The High Radiative-Flux Solar Furnace

Riveros-Rosas, R. Castrejón-García, C.A. Arancibia-Bulnes, C.A. Pérez-Rábago, C.A. Estrada

Videos HoSIER

Entrevista HoSIER Factor Ciencia Canal Once (14/12/2015)